Bonnie Logan waiting nude on the couch

Bonnie Logan waiting nude on the couch

Burlesque dancer Lili St. Cyr dancing in Irving Klaws Varietease 1954

Burlesque dancer Lili St. Cyr dancing in Irving Klaws Varietease 1954

Bonnie Logan nude in a big hat

Bonnie Logan nude in a big hat

Valerie ValJean in the 1950s

Publicity photo of burlesque performer Valerie ValJean in the 1950s

Lili St. Cyr – Love Moods – movie poster

Lili St. Cyr – Love Moods – featuring her celebrated bubble bath – movie poster

Lili St. Cyr stepping out of her Glass tub

Lili St. Cyr stepping out of her glass tub that she used in her act

Bonnie Logan playing with her nipples

Bonnie Logan playing with her nipples in front of a screen

Bonnie Logan looks ready to play topless

Bonnie Logan looks ready to play her instrument topless

You need a key for Lili St. Cyr

You need a key for Lili St. Cyr as she stands in a blue cloak

Lili St. Cyr posing on a bed

Lili St. Cyr posing on a bed wearing a sexy red nightie