Category: Lili St. Cyr

Lili St. Cyr posing

Lili St. Cyr posing for the camera in a sexy little nightie

Lili St. Cyr covering up with music

Lili St. Cyr covering up with music

Lili St. Cyr opening a package

Lili St. Cyr opening a package

Great side boob of Lili St. Cyr

Lili St. Cyr is happy giving us a look at her great side boob  

Lili St. Cyr sitting nude pose

Lili St. Cyr sitting nude pose

Stripper Lili St. Cyr sitting nude on a couch

Stripper Lili St. Cyr sitting nude on a couch

Burlesque dancer Lili St. Cyr dancing in Irving Klaws Varietease 1954

Burlesque dancer Lili St. Cyr dancing in Irving Klaws Varietease 1954

Lili St. Cyr – Love Moods – movie poster

Lili St. Cyr – Love Moods – featuring her celebrated bubble bath – movie poster

Lili St. Cyr stepping out of her Glass tub

Lili St. Cyr stepping out of her glass tub that she used in her act

You need a key for Lili St. Cyr

You need a key for Lili St. Cyr as she stands in a blue cloak